Home > School News > GUO Chongqing, Honorary Dean of Tongji SEM Won Special Contribution Award in 7th Management Science Awards Ceremony

GUO Chongqing, Honorary Dean of Tongji SEM Won Special Contribution Award in 7th Management Science Awards Ceremony

Tue, Oct 20, 2020

On September 27th, the 2020 China Management Science Conference and the 7th Management Science Awards Ceremony were held in Beijing. Prof. GUO Zhongqing, Honorary Dean of Tongji SEM, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Former Director of Management Science Department of The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), won the Special Contribution Award.

Academician GUO Chongqing received the award on his behalf by the member of his team

GUO Zhongqing has practiced engineering design and management throughout his life and devotes himself to the development of China manufacturing. From the earliest proposal and practice the scheme of “Combinations of Enterprise System Reform, Production Rationalization Reorganization and Production Modernization Transformation”, to the research on “Management Characteristics of Chinese Context”, he devoted himself to making China’s engineering design move toward world stage. He also advocated applying philosophical thinking to “Internet+” Era. GUO Chongqing has made great achievements in the fields of engineering design, consulting and industrial development research. He is a famous engineering management expert, a strategic scientist and an engineering expert, making outstanding contribution to China’s management science development.

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