Home > Lectures & Seminars > Air pollution reduction and climate co-benefits in China’s industries

Air pollution reduction and climate co-benefits in China’s industries

Mon, Nov 30, 2020

Time:12:00-13:00, Dec.1st, 2020 Tuesday

Venue:Tongji Building Block A Room 506

Speaker:Haoqi Qian,Assistant Professor, Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University


Environmental and climate policies can bring significant air pollution reduction as well as climate co-benefits. This lecture aims to provide firm-level evidence for China’s industries to realize these environmental and climate benefits. We construct a firm-level database covering more than 170 thousand observations for China’s industrial sectors. By using the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) decomposition method and simulating different scenarios, we find that substantial co-benefits could be achieved with three specific interventions, i.e. energy intensity improvement, scale structure adjustment and electrification. Besides, by using the difference-in-difference (DID) method to investigate the implementation of China’s pilot emission trading schemes (ETS), we find that inconsistent environmental co-benefits exist within China’s industrial sectors. Since firm heterogeneity is essential to realize the co-benefits and it directly determines their magnitudes, stricter and sensible environmental policies targeting industrial firms can accelerate China’s sustainable transformation.

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