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Research on the behavior of investors and financiers of crowdfunding platform: Based on text analytics

Mon, Dec 28, 2020

Speaker:WANG Wei,Business School of HuaQiao University

Time:18:00, Dec. 29th, 2020

ZOOM ID: 63947020049

ZOOM Password:268898


Massive texts created by all parties involved in online entrepreneurship are important factors that affect users’ investment willingness and financing performance. In order to analyze the impact of text on user behavior, based on signal theory and user behavior theory, machine learning is introduced to interpret multi-dimensional linguistic features of text, to build a bridge between linguistic features and investment willingness, financing performance, to establish a signal display model for financing performance, delayed delivery, and commitment default, and to explore the impact of text interactivity. In this talk, I will discuss two questions. The first one is the current research progress regarding the studies on the behavior of investors and financiers of crowdfunding platform. The second one is our main works in this field as well as our future research plans.

Speaker’s Bio:

Wei Wang, Ph.D, is an associate professor at the Department of Information Management, College of Business Administration, at Huaqiao University. His research interests include crowdfunding, sentiment analysis, text analysis, and electronic commerce. His work has appeared in academic journals including Decision Support Systems, Computers in Human Behavior, Behaviour & Information Technology, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Management World (China), Journal of Management Sciences in China, Systems Engineering—Theory & Practice, Studies in Science of Science, among others. He holds a Ph.D from Tongji University in Shanghai, a master’s and a bachelor degree from Huaqiao University in Quanzhou, China.


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