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Tongji SEM Successfully Obtained EQUIS 5-year Re-accreditation

Wed, Mar 03, 2021

Recently, EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) officially awarded Tongji SEM the 5-year EQUIS re-accreditation of the highest standard after the voting of the EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) Accreditation Board.

During the 4-day virtual on-site visit from December 8  to 11 of 2020, the EQUIS Peer Review Team had over 10 meetings with the University and School leaders, international advisory board members, programme managers, representatives of employers, alumni, faculty and students, and comprehensively evaluated the following earas, namely Tongji SEM’s development strategy and goals, programmes, students, faculty, research, executive education, resources and administration, internationalisation, ethics, responsibility and sustainability and connections with practice.

The PRT members highly appraised the achievements of SEM during the past five years, especially in the areas of management science, the social impact of applied research, corporate connections and the quality of student training, and put forward constructive suggestions for the further development of the School. The EQUIS peer review members commended that Tongji University is a top university in China, while the School of Economics and Management is one of the top 10 leading business schools in the Asia-Pacific region.

The successful obtaining of EQUIS 5-year reaccreditation means that the teaching quality and development prospect of SEM continuously meet the highest accreditation standards of EQUIS. The School will continue to take international accreditation as an effective means in striding towards the goal of building a world-class business school.

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