Home > School News > 2021 Sino-Mexico Sustainable Innovation Symposium on “Activation of the Post-epidemic Era” and 2021 Tongji “Mexico Day” Siping Campus Opening Ceremony Held at Tongji SEM

2021 Sino-Mexico Sustainable Innovation Symposium on “Activation of the Post-epidemic Era” and 2021 Tongji “Mexico Day” Siping Campus Opening Ceremony Held at Tongji SEM

Tue, Jun 08, 2021

In the morning of June 4, 2021, hosted by Tongji University and co-hosted by the Tongji SEM, the 2021 Sino-Mexico Sustainable Innovation Symposium and the 2021 Tongji “Mexico Day” Siping Campus Opening Ceremony was held in Tongji Building.

This event was carried out in a combination via online and offline. Ms. Lorena LARIOS, Consul General of the Consulate General of Mexico in Shanghai, Mr. Carlos VALERA, Deputy Consul General of the Consulate General of Mexico in Shanghai, Ms. María José TORILLO, Consul of Cultural Cooperation Affairs of the Consulate General of Mexico in Shanghai, Mr. Patricio LU, Political Officer of the Consulate General of Mexico in Shanghai, Prof. José Manuel PÁEZ, Vice President of Foreign Affairs of the Monterey University of Technology, Carlos VILLANUEVA, Director of Foreign Delegations, and Ms. Mercedes GONZÁLEZ, representative of Monterrey University of Technology in Shanghai, attended the event. Participating representatives of Tongji University were Professor LEI Xinghui, Vice President of Tongji University, Professor LOU Yongqi, Vice President of Tongji University, Professor LI Xiangning, Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Professor XIE En, Deputy Dean of the School of Economics and Management, Professor LIU Chun, Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Tongji University, etc.

The event has laid a good foundation for the cooperation between Tongji SEM and Instituto Tecnologico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey (ITESM). We hope that two parties will continue to expand the scope of cooperation in the future, through strong alliance and complementary advantages, effectively promote the rapid development of teaching and scientific research for both sides, and cultivate more high-quality talents with international vision, innovative spirit and practical ability.

ITESM is one of the largest private universities in Latin America and the most famous private universities in Mexico. It is known as “the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of Latin America”. It ranks 155th in the world and 2nd in Mexico in the QS University ranking. Its business school ranks 1st in Mexico, and the discipline of Business and Management ranks 47th globally. Since the establishment of the cooperative relationship between Tongji SEM and ITESM in 2019, both sides have interacted frequently in teaching and scientific research.

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