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Summer Practical Activities Officially Begin

Thu, Aug 19, 2021

In early July, the “Dalian Commodity Exchange University Futures Talent Cultivation Program” jointly organized by Tongji SEM, Dalian Commodity Exchange and Shanghai Futures Association and the summer practical activities for sophomore undergraduates of Tongji SEM were officially launched.

The summer practical activities have three modules: “Expert Lecture”, “Company Visit” and “Company training”. “Expert Lecture” module invites well-known industry experts into the classroom to give students a six-day intensive training of professional theories and skills. Experts include HE Xiaobin, Chief Economist of Huaxin Securities, YUAN Wenzhong, Deputy General Manager of Everbright Futures, and ZHANG Yeye, General Manager of Quantitative Trading Department of Futures of Guotai Junan Co., Ltd., YAO Zefeng, Vice President of Henghua International Asset Management Co., Ltd.; in the “Enterprise visit” module, students will visit and study in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Hengtai Futures Co., Ltd., and other industry units; in the “Enterprise training” module, students will enter the industry well-known institutions such as Eastern Securities Futures, Everbright Futures and CITIC Futures for three weeks of practical training.

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