Home > School News > Professor ZHU Dajian of Tongji SEM hired as the specially-appointed expert in the ninth decision-making consultation organized by Shanghai Municipal Government

Professor ZHU Dajian of Tongji SEM hired as the specially-appointed expert in the ninth decision-making consultation organized by Shanghai Municipal Government

Wed, Sep 29, 2021

On September 26th, Shanghai municipal government held a Symposium of Specially-Appointed Experts on the Economic Situation. GONG Zheng, Deputy Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Mayor of Shanghai awarded the Letter of Appointment to the representatives of the specially-appointed experts in the ninth decision-making consultation organized by Shanghai Municipal Government, discussed with the experts and scholars, listened to their opinions on the current economic situation and their suggestions on how to do a good job in all aspects of Shanghai’s work. ZHU Dajian, Director of Sustainable Development and Management Institute, Tongji University and Professor of Tongji SEM was appointed as the specially-appointed expert in the ninth decision-making consultation organized by Shanghai Municipal Government.

At the symposium, in light of the latest situation both at home and abroad and their respective fields of expertise, eight experts including Professor ZHU Dajian expressed their views on promoting high-quality economic development, optimizing the industrial structure and upgrading the energy level, intensifying scientific and technological innovation and delivering results, promoting high-level institutional opening-up, attracting international top talent, and implementing green and low-carbon development strategies, etc. On behalf of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Shanghai Municipal Government, GONG Zheng sincerely thanked all the experts for their long-term contributions to Shanghai’s economic and social development.

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