Home > School News > Five Courses of Tongji SEM have been selected as the Shanghai First-class Undergraduate Courses

Five Courses of Tongji SEM have been selected as the Shanghai First-class Undergraduate Courses

Sun, Dec 12, 2021

Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission issued a notice stating that 317 courses have been selected as the Shanghai first-class undergraduate courses. There are a total of 52 Tongji University’s courses in 2020 and 2021 have been selected as the first-class undergraduate courses. 5 courses of Tongji SEM have been selected, ranking among the best in Tongji University. The 5 courses are: “Career Planning and Workplace Ability Improvement” (by Prof. SHI Jianxun), “Project Management in China” (by Prof. SHI Qian is responsible), “Interpretation of China’s Economic Development – A study of Xi Jinping’s Economic Thoughts (by Prof. SHI Jianxun), “Marketing Management” (by Prof. XIONG Guoyue), and “Operation Management” (by Prof. QIU Canhua).


In recent years, Tongji SEM continues to carry out curriculum construction, cultivate high-quality courses, and promote the integration of modern information technology & teaching, the integration of science & education and the integration of industry & education. Also, SEM has continuously assisted teachers to actively carry out teaching innovation and reform practice, optimize teaching design and innovate teaching methods. Now, Tongji SEM has a number of courses with high-level and innovative courses and it has laid a good foundation for the construction and application of first-class courses.

In the future, SEM will take the construction of first-class undergraduate courses as an opportunity to implement scientific deployment and overall planning, focus on building a high-quality talent training system, and form a joint force with the construction of the Tongji University’s first-class disciplines, to facilitate the development and construction of world-class higher education with Chinese characteristics.

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