Home > School News > The New Book by Professor Chen Qiang of Tongji SEM Selected in “Shanghai Excellent Think Tank Reports” of 2021

The New Book by Professor Chen Qiang of Tongji SEM Selected in “Shanghai Excellent Think Tank Reports” of 2021

Fri, May 20, 2022

Recently, the new book titled Build Pudong into a New Focus of Independent Innovation: Reality, Vision and Ways by Professor Chen Qiang from the Department of Management Science and Engineering and his team was officially published by Shanghai People’s Publishing House, and selected in “Shanghai Excellent Think Tank Reports” of 2021.

Starting from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important remarks on independent innovation, the book analyzes the connotation of independent innovation, integrates Pudong’s development into the national strategic needs, and actively explores feasible plans for building Pudong into not only a new focus of independent innovation but also a new benchmark of independent innovation and development.

At the meeting marking the 30th anniversary of Pudong’s development and opening-up, General Secretary Xi Jinping entrusted Pudong with the glorious mission that “all-out efforts should be made to make the innovation engine stronger and explore new horizons of independent innovation”. In July 2021, the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting High-level Reform and Opening up of Pudong New Area to Build It Into A Leading Area for Socialist Modernization was issued, which clearly stated that Pudong would be built into “a benchmark of independent innovation and development”, and “a Core Area for the International Science and Technology Innovation Center”. Once again, high hopes have been placed on Pudong’s independent innovation and development.

Guided by important remarks of General Secretary Xi Jinping, this book further deepens the understanding of the connotation of independent innovation. By analyzing the current development level of Pudong’s independent innovation, it indicates Pudong’s current position. It then summarizes the common features and unique traits of typical innovation regions around the world, and points out the direction for Pudong’s future efforts. On this basis, the book explores the external and internal drivers for the improvement of Pudong’s independent innovation capacity from the perspective of problems, goals and tasks, and then proposes ways and measures to build Pudong into a new focus of independent innovation.

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