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Liu Xinghua: Empower the business environment with digital technologies and help build a unified national market

Fri, Aug 19, 2022

A market- and law-based and internationalized quality business environment is a booster to the high-quality economic and social development of a country or region and a silent but strong soft power that drives the economy. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Unified National Market on April 10 this year from a global and strategic perspective. The document specifically proposes to work harder on fostering a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable business environment, which is an important prerequisite for accelerating the building of the new development paradigm featuring dual circulation, in which domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay.

A quality business environment is an important prerequisite for constructing a unified national market; modern information technology should be used to continue to enable the optimization of China’s business environment; a market- and law-based and internationalized first-rate business environment should be built with the aid of intelligent digital technologies.

Remedying shortcomings in the legacy infrastructure while speeding up the new infrastructure. The new infrastructure is clearly era-oriented and rich in technological content, supported by modern science and technology, especially information technology, to build key infrastructure in the era of the digital economy and contribute to the digital transformation of the economy and society. Speeding up the new infrastructure cannot only enhance the business environment but also create new economic growth points and new engines for high-quality development. It’s important to increase construction efforts in new infrastructure areas such as 5G network, industrial Internet, computing facilities, and intelligent transportation. On this basis, statistical monitoring and decision analysis systems based on big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other new technologies should be established and improved, to enhance the accuracy, coordination, agility, and effectiveness of government governance. Certainly, while speeding up the development of the new infrastructure, efforts must be taken to remedy shortcomings in the legacy infrastructure, so that they can work better together. This way, a modern circulation network can be built, the layout of commercial and trade circulation infrastructure can be optimized, online and offline integrated development can be promoted, and more new platforms, business forms, and new models of commercial and trade circulation can be fostered.

Timely solving information security and data property rights issues. The extensive use of modern information technology and big data can provide convenient and accurate services for the public and various market players, but objectively, it also brings about information security and data property rights issues. These issues are encountered in the development and should be solved in the development by timely summing up experience and lessons. Therefore, the timely upgrading and improvement of laws and regulations and the agile governance of the government are particularly important. It’s important to establish and improve the new model of digital governance where the government, platforms, enterprises, industry organizations, and the public participate and effectively coordinate with each other, to create a synergy in governance. It’s important to foster a data factor-based market, establish and improve basic systems and standards and specifications for data security, rights protection, cross-border transmission management, trading and circulation, opening and sharing, security authentication, etc., thoroughly survey data resources, and promote the development and utilization of data resources. It’s important to improve cross-region or even cross-border coordination through big data platforms to effectively crack down on illegal activities in the digital economy and the digital social environment.


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