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2022 Pujiang Innovation Forum – Regional (City) Forum Successfully Held

Thu, Sep 01, 2022

The 2022 Pujiang Innovation Forum-Regional (City) Forum hosted by the School of Economics and Management of Tongji University (Tongji SEM) was successfully held in Shanghai on August 29, 2022. With the theme of “Low Carbon: A New Mission for Glabal Innovation”, this forum implemented the concept of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, draws on the successful experience of the world’s regional (city) economic development, and discussed the external environment, basic conditions, development momentum, etc. Under the background of profound changes, how to further promote regional coordinated development and promote regional collaborative innovation. The guests shared their research results and practical experience with the participants through the online “Keynote Speech + Roundtable Dialogue”. Professor HUO Jiazhen of Tongji SEM is the chairman of the forum.

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