Home > School News > The Doctoral Dissertation Supervised by Professor ZHENG Xiaojin Was Selected into the 2022 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Plan of the Society of Management Science and Engineering of China

The Doctoral Dissertation Supervised by Professor ZHENG Xiaojin Was Selected into the 2022 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Plan of the Society of Management Science and Engineering of China

Thu, Sep 01, 2022

Supervised by Prof. ZHENG Xiaojin, Ph.D. student PAN Yutong’s dissertation, was selected into the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Plan of the Society of Management Science and Engineering of China in 2022. A total of 10 doctoral dissertations were selected into the plan.

The Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Plan of the Society of Management Science and Engineering of China aims to reward the authors of doctoral dissertation who have made important achievements in basic theory or applied basic research in the field of management science and engineering. PAN Yutong received his doctorate in management from Tongji University in December 2019. Professor ZHENG Xiaojin is Pan’s supervisor. Pan’s doctoral dissertation, “Research on Exact Algorithms of Portfolio Problems Based on Different Risk Constraints” studies the portfolio problems based on different risk constraints. Pan has published several papers in UTD24 journal “Informs Journal on Computing” and other journals on operations and management. He has won the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of Tongji University in 2020.

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