Home > School News > Tongji SEM Approved with 14 National Dcientific Research Fund Projects in 2022

Tongji SEM Approved with 14 National Dcientific Research Fund Projects in 2022

Sun, Oct 23, 2022

Recently, the National Natural Science Foundation Committee and the National philosophy and Social Science Office have announced the results of the 2022 project evaluation. Tongji SEM has been approved 12 National Natural Science Foundation projects and 2 National Social Science Foundation projects, a total of 14 projects. More than half of projects were obtained by new faculty and postdoctors who joined to Tongji SEM in the past three years, fully demonstrating the growth of the new force of scientific research. Undertaking national scientific research projects is an important measure for the Tongji SEM to strengthen scientific and technological innovation in the face of national needs, and it is also a solid foundation for discipline, faculty and studtent development. Tongji SEM attaches great importance to the application and organization of national-level funding projects and carries out organized and meticulous scientific research services, which provides a strong support for improving the quality of project application.

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