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Chen Qiang: With Global Sci-Tech Competition Heating Up, Preparing for a “Total War” Is Necessary To Maintain Innovation at Its Core

Sat, Feb 04, 2023

The Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China mentions, “Innovation will remain at the heart of China’s modernization drive”. Major nations have accelerated planning and boosted investment because they see sci-tech innovation as the driving force behind future development on a global scale. As global sci-tech competition heats up, it is necessary to deepen the general understanding of new competitive environment and development trend, make overall planning, and battle and prevail in a “total war” of sci-tech innovation. The “total war” refers to a combat system that deals with complex situations, and it is presented in various combat forms such as positional warfare, critical battle, guerrilla warfare, encounter battle, sabotage operation and unrestricted warfare based on different operational objectives, strategies, missions and scenarios.


I. Positional warfare


Positional warfare aims at capturing or defending important positions to gain an overall advantage on the battlefield, with the battle line remaining largely steady to allow for systematic deployment and thorough planning.


II. Critical battle


Critical battle targets a strategic location or a key tactical support point, in which there are challenges of a complete defense system and strong manpower and firepower.


III. Guerrilla warfare


Guerrilla warfare relies on awakening the infinite wisdom of the populace, flexibly utilizing constrained battle forces and resources, responding to the situation, and accumulating tiny victories into a major one.


IV. Encounter battle


Encounter battle often takes place quickly on a narrow path, and two sides should engage in battle immediately before laying out a comprehensive battle plan.


V. Sabotage operation


Sabotage operation aims at destroying the enemy’s commanding communication, transportation, logistical support, technical equipment and other important military targets, and it can change the tide swiftly and yield a large reward for little effort.


VI. Unrestricted warfare


Unrestricted warfare refers to the use of non-equilibrium, asymmetric and beyond-bounds tactics to significantly alter the battlefield pattern and then fully control the course of the battle.


To win the “total war” of sci-tech innovation, a systematic approach must be applied to thinking. Additionally, rebuilding the army, developing new tactics, bolstering the strategic backbone, and increasing communication and exchanges are all crucial. It calls for assembling a number of forces, such as the main force, commandoes, special troops and guerrilla forces, and creating a united front of sci-tech innovation to allow for close cooperation between strategic sci-tech forces and social innovation forces. It requires differentiating combat deployment and force allocation for different task scenarios of sci-tech innovation. It requires organizing and coordinating relevant resources and capabilities in the whole process and across systems, fields and regions to strengthen the systemic synergy of sci-tech innovation. It requires maneuvering to promote a higher level of institutional opening-up, fully participating in global sci-tech governance, and sharing Chinese experience in rule-making and dispute resolution.


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