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Passing the Torch: How Parental Privacy Concerns Affect Adolescent Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites

Sun, Jul 02, 2023

题目:Passing the Torch: How Parental Privacy Concerns Affect Adolescent Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites


演讲人: Jingguo Wang

时间: 2023年7月17日下午17:00

地点: 同济大厦A楼1922会议室


Drawing upon the literatures in information privacy, developmental psychology, and family science, this research investigates how parental online privacy concerns can be passed on to adolescents and affect their self-disclosure on social networking sites. We propose that parental privacy concerns decrease adolescents’ self-disclosure both directly (i.e., compliance) and indirectly through adolescents’ privacy concerns (i.e., internalization), and that such effects are moderated by parent–child privacy dissonance, parental Internet evaluative mediation, and adolescents’ gender. To test the research model, we collected matched parent–child data from 726 families in China. The results show the indirect effect of parental privacy concerns on adolescents’ self-disclosure via influencing adolescents’ privacy concerns. In addition, parent–child privacy dissonance weakens the effect of adolescents’ privacy concerns on self-disclosure. The extent to which parents employ Internet evaluative mediation to guide adolescents’ online activities reinforces the effect of parental privacy concerns on adolescents’ privacy concerns. Statistical analyses further reveal that the mediating effect of adolescents’ privacy concerns is weakened by parent-child privacy dissonance but strengthened by Internet evaluative mediation. Besides, parental privacy concerns affect sons and daughters through different paths, especially when parents employ high Internet evaluative mediation. Particularly, under high Internet evaluative mediation, parental privacy concerns affect sons’ self-disclosure primarily through an indirect path (via sons’ privacy concerns), but influence daughters’ self-disclosure both directly and indirectly via daughters’ privacy concerns. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.


汪静国博士,美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿商学院信息系统Eunice and James L. West讲席教授。复旦大学计算机科学学士,纽约州立大学布法罗运筹学硕士、管理科学和系统博士。研究领域包括信息系统、信息安全和决策支持。担任JAIS期刊的Senior Editor、ISJ期刊的Associate Editor。相关研究成果发表在MIS Quarterly、 Information Systems Research、 Management Science、Journal of the Association for Information Systems等期刊。

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