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Advocate or Block? A Relational Perspective of Salesperson’s Communication Medium Use in Customer Contact

Mon, Sep 11, 2023


时间:2023年9月15日 13:30



Salespeople’s use of electronic media (e.g., email, Twitter, etc.) as the primary media in their communication with customers is a controversial issue. Take email for instance. Advocates believe that e-mail overcomes the time and geographic constraints and enhances the responsiveness to customers. Opponents, however, are concerned about the potential miscommunication introduced by e-mail. Given this controversy, an important research question is: If, and when, should customer contact people use electronic media to communicate with their customers?

To address this issue, this paper examines the boundary conditions for salespeople’s effective use of electronic media. Building upon the media richness theory (e.g., Daft et al., 1987) and social influence theory (e.g., Fulk et al., 1990), a model of a relational perspective of medium use theory is proposed and tested. Specifically, this paper models salespeople’s medium use effectiveness as a function of the nature of the relationships with their customers. It is proposed that the pre-established relationships (i.e., trust and relational norms) between salespeople and their customers influence salespeople’s media perceptions and choices. Empirical results generally supported this relational perspective of salesperson’s medium use theory.



须俊博士,副教授,目前任职于美国芝加哥德保罗大学(DePaul University)市场营销系。毕业于美国佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)并获得市场学博士学位。此前,分别获得复旦大学企业管理硕士学位和华东理工大学工商管理学士学位。

须俊博士的研究涵盖销售管理、营销渠道管理,营销创新以及领导力管理等营销战略管理领域。他的研究成果发表在多个知名国际学术期刊上,包括《Journal of Marketing》、《International Journal of Research in Marketing》、《Journal of Business Research》、《Academy of Management Learning & Education》、以及《Journal of Vocational Behavior》等。曾获得多项研究奖项,包括American Marketing Association (AMA)、Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) 以及 Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) 学会的优秀论文奖。须俊博士目前担任《Journal of Business Research》期刊的编委。



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