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Be Innovative or Ethical? Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices, Trust in Organization, and (Un)Desired Employee Behaviors

Fri, Sep 15, 2023

演讲人: Dr Ying (Candy) Lu, Macquarie University

时间:2023年9月22日 10:00



Amid growing interest in integrating sustainability and corporate social responsibility strategy into the design of human resource management (HRM) practices, sustainable HRM practices based on the common good values (SHRM-CGV) have gained prominence in private firms to support organizations in reaching their sustainability goals. However, research on the effect of SHRM-CGV on desired employee behaviors remains scant. In particular, we know very little about whether SHRM-CGV play a similar or different role in entrepreneurial firms compared to established firms. Drawing upon social exchange theory, we address whether and how SHRM-CGV influence employee innovative behavior and whether SHRM-CGV function more or less effectively in entrepreneurial firms compared to established firms. We also examined whether and how SHRM-CGV lead to employee unethical behavior in entrepreneurial firms. Our findings based on two multi-wave field studies support our theoretical hypotheses and significantly contribute to literature and implications for practice.


路英博士(高级讲师)目前任职于澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)管理学系,并担任国际商务硕士学位负责人一职。她于2012年在澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University)获得管理学博士学位。此前,她就读于山东科技大学,完成了工业工程本科专业以及资源经济与管理(矿业工程)硕士学位。

路英博士的研究领域包括可持续人力资源管理、人工智能辅助决策与算法人力资源管理以及国际人力资源管理等。她获得了多项研究基金的支持,其中包括麦考瑞大学研究加速计划等。她的研究成果发表在多个知名学术期刊上,包括《Human Resource Management (US)》(FT50/ABS 4; SSCI IF 6.6, Q1)、《Human Resource Management Journal》(ABS 4*; SSCI IF 5.5, Q1)、《Human Resource Management Review》(ABS 3; SSCI IF: 11.4, Q1)、《The International Journal of Human Resource Management》(ABS 3; SSCI IF 5.6)、《Journal of Business Research》(ABS 3; SSCI IF: 11.3, Q1)以及《Safety Science》(SCI IF: 6.392, Q1)等。她曾获得多项研究奖项,包括Academy of Management及British Journal of Management学会的最佳论文奖。路英博士还担任《Chinese Management Studies》期刊的副主编,并在多个国际期刊担任匿名评审人。


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