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SEM Visited Changyang Entrepreneurship Valley to Further the Integration Between Industry and Education

Thu, Sep 28, 2023

In recent days, Prof. SHI Qian, Senior Deputy Dean, Prof. XIE En, Interim Dean, visited Changyang Entrepreneurship Valley, and had an in-depth communication with Mr. XI Rongqing, Vice President of Yangpu Venture Group, Chairman of Changyang Entrepreneurship Valley, as well as the persons in charge of the relevant departments on the possible collaboration and cooperation between SEM and the enterprises in Changyang Entrepreneurship Valley. The team also visited two excellent enterprises in the CAMPUS, namely, Little Red Book(a mainstream social media platform in China) and SUNNIC (a leading provider of intelligent power station services for PBCD).


Changyang Entrepreneurship Valley, jointly developed by Yangpu Science and Innovation Group and Shanghai Electric Group, is the largest venture park in the Shanghai city center. Since its establishment, the Campus has been committed to building a “relay” service platform for small and medium-sized technology start-ups to grow to industry.

The School team visited Little Red Book, one of the representative enterprises in the Park. Little Red Book is in the software service industry. So far, there are more than 43 million bloggers, forming a set of B2K2C model unique to the platform. Brands can build a reputation in the community through KOC’s real experience and sharing, and users can share their consumption experience to feedback the brand and other users, forming a positive cycle. Based on this, Little Red Book has also become an incubator for pop products and future brands.

After that, the team went to visit another excellent enterprise in the park – SUNNIC. SUNNIC is an industry-leading service provider of optical storage charging and inspection intelligent power station, which is a global super charging service platform jointly built by Ningde Times and Xiaomi Group, and its optical storage charging and inspection business has entered more than 30 cities around the world.

The team and Mr. XI had a discussion on entrepreneurship support, integration of industry and education, and cooperation between institutions and enterprises. The two parties reached an agreement on further strategic cooperation and exploring the establishment of an industry-teaching base to provide all-round, high-level support for students’ internship and employment.In the future, both parties will continue to expand the scope of exchanges and form a long-term stable partnership.


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