Home > Lectures & Seminars > Disentangling the Influence of Community Pressure on Trading Behavior and Profitability on Social Trading Platform

Disentangling the Influence of Community Pressure on Trading Behavior and Profitability on Social Trading Platform

Wed, Oct 11, 2023

演讲人: 蔡昭副教授,宁波诺丁汉大学

时间: 2023年10月11日下午14:00-15:00

地点: 同济大厦A楼403教室 腾讯会议(线上同步)

会议号:823 564 733


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Amateur investors have increasingly been using social trading platforms to observe, interact with, and emulate the trades executed by professional traders. The present study seeks to examine the impact of community pressure, emanating from amateur investors, on the trading conduct and performance of professional traders within the context of social trading platforms. Additionally, this study endeavors to consider moderating effects of both traders’ thinking personality and their degree of social network dominance when scrutinizing the extent to which traders react to the aforementioned community pressure. Drawing upon secondary data acquired from a prominent social trading platform, our analysis indicates that community pressure accumulated from amateur investors has a curvilinear influence on traders’ trading behavior. Furthermore, traders possessing thinking personality and exhibiting high dominance within their social networks are inclined to exhibit greater resistance against community pressure, resulting in less susceptibility to behavioral alterations on the trading platform.


蔡昭博士现任宁波诺丁汉大学商学院信息系统学副教授。他的研究领域包括数字化供应链管理、平台竞争、平台运营管理等方面。他的研究成果发表在MIS Quarterly、Journal of Operations Management、Journal of Association for Information Systems等知名期刊。他还担任Industrial Management & Data Systems期刊的管理编辑(Managing Editor)以及Internet Research期刊的副编辑(Associate Editor),并在亚太信息系统会议(PACIS)和武汉国际电子商务会议(WHICEB)担任子领域主席(Track Chair),在国际信息系统会议(ICIS)、欧洲信息系统会议(ECIS)等国际会议担任子领域副编辑(Associate Editor)。


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