Home > Lectures & Seminars > Tokenized Ownership in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Tokenized Ownership in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Thu, Oct 19, 2023

演讲人: 陈琨,副教授,南方科技大学

时间: 2023年10月24日下午14:00-15:00

地点: 同济大厦A308教室 腾讯会议(线上同步)

会议号:561 320 795

会议密码: 245476


Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) operate in an incentive network powered by crypto tokens, which are imbued with either payment rights (i.e., transactional tokens) or ownership rights (i.e., governance tokens). Tokenized ownership decentralizes the decision power to token holders. However, it is not clear whether such ownership can better incentivize individual’s work quality, in comparison to monetary rewards. By constructing a quasi-experimental setting, we empirically find that the use of governance tokens leads to better post and upvote quality but poorer post novelty compared to the use of transactional tokens. Our additional analysis further reveals that the incentive effects of governance tokens diminish over time. However, when the intended choice occurs again, these effects become reinforced. For different users, the higher the level of social support one receives from the community is, the less likely that their upvoting behavior is incentivized by governance tokens. On the other hand, the posting behaviors of users with high reputation scores are less likely to be affected by governance tokens. This study contributes to the literature on blockchain and cryptocurrency from an operational perspective and provides practical guidance for the design of incentive mechanisms in DAOs.


Dr. Chen obtained her PhD degree from City University of Hong Kong in Information Systems. She worked in some world-famous financial institutions before joining in SUSTech including Australian Capital Market Research Center, Securities and Futures Commissions of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Her current research focuses on data analytics, Fintech, and Web 3.0. She has papers published in Information Systems Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Journal of Management Information Systems among others.


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