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The Exploration of New Quality Productive Forces Summit Forum and the “2024 Tongchuang Cup” National Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Press Conference Were Successfully Held

Thu, May 23, 2024

To celebrate the 117th anniversary of the founding of Tongji University, gather the strength and wisdom of alumni, and promote the deep and practical development of “industry university research application” cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence, the school anniversary event – the AI Empowerment Hundred Rows and Thousand Industries Exploration New Quality Productive Forces Summit Forum and the  “2024(1st) Tongchuang Cup” National Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition press conference was successfully held on May 19th.

Professor Li Xinghui, Executive Vice President of Tongji University Alumni Association, Vice Chairman of Tongji University Education Development Foundation and former Vice President of Tongji University, delivered the opening speech of the forum. He pointed out that AI has become the engine of a new round of industrial revolution, and the development of technology requires talent, and the key to cultivating talent lies in education. Standing at the new starting point of the 117th anniversary, facing the infinite possibilities of the future, it is necessary to further integrate the wisdom and strength of all Tongji students and help Tongji University comprehensively move towards AI+.

Professor SHI Qian, Chairman of the School Council, emphasised that the reputation and development of SEM cannot be separated from the support and contribution of alumni. This event would build an efficient communication platform for innovative achievements, industries and financial capital, create a model of school-enterprise cooperation, promote the application of AI in various scenarios, and further promote the development of new quality productive forces.

Professor XIE En, Deputy Dean of SEM, introduced the measures and plans of SEM in recent years regarding the development of digital and artificial intelligence. He particularly emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary integration, stating that the college will continue to optimize undergraduate education, professional degree education, and academic education, update course content, continuously improve education service levels, and lead the college to move towards higher levels.

CHENG Dong, alumnus from Management Engineering in 1979, Executive Chairman of the School of Economics and Management of Tongji University Alumni Association, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Overseas Chinese Federation, and Chairman of Shanghai Yingta Health Management Co., Ltd., reviewed his academic and entrepreneurial journey in his speech. At the same time, he shared his insights on the development of artificial intelligence and called on everyone to actively embrace it, apply it to learning, work, and life, and hope that everyone can become a leader in promoting social and economic development.

SUN Jian, MBA graduate in 2000, Director and General Manager of Yantai Zhangyu Grape Brewery Co., Ltd., and member of the 15th International Advisory Committee of the school, introduced the digital transformation of company and its strategic planning in the AI era in his keynote speech.

Professor WANG Hongwei, Deputy Dean of SEM, serves as the host of the “Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital in Diverse Industries” round table Forum, with the five sharing guests as following:

Mr. XIAO Shuishui, guaduate in 1986, Vice President of the Council of SEM Alumni, Chairman and Founding Partner of Shenzhen Chuangdongfang Investment Co., Ltd., and Deputy Director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Venture Capital (Three Innovations) Research Center of Tongji University.

Mr. HOU Qingsong, EMBA graduate in 2004 and General Manager of the Shanghai Bank’s Head Office Business Department.

Mr. XIAO Xiaoling, graduate from Department of Construction Engineering in 1992 and General Manager of Tongji Innovation and Entrepreneurship Holding Co., Ltd..

Mr. HUANG Zhiming, Ph.D. in Management in 2007, Founder and Chairman of Shanghai Zhida Technology Development Co., Ltd..

Mr. ZHANG Weiyong, MBA graduate in 2005 and the General Manager of Shanghai Jichenshui Digital Technology Co..

They have conducted in-depth discussions on opportunities and challenges over innovation, entrepreneurship and venture capital.

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