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SEM Has Signed Contract with East Money to Jointly Build an Industry-education Innovation Practice Base

Tue, Jun 18, 2024

On June 7th, the signing ceremony between Tongji University and East Money for the joint construction of the Industry-education Innovation Practice Base was held at East Money Building. The two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in multiple fields such as practical training bases, curriculum construction, employment and career guidance, and resource sharing. This signing marks the first time that East Money Group has integrated artificial intelligence, financial data and other forces with universities to carry out integrated practical training cooperation, marking the joint exploration of a new model for cultivating innovative talents in financial technology. Professor ZHONG Ninghua, Deputy Dean of Tongji SEM, and Ms. AN Jiayuan, Director of the Marketing Department of East Money, signed a cooperation agreement on behalf of both parties.

Deputy Dean ZHONG Ninghua pointed out that collaborating with East Money, a company with profound industry strength and far-reaching influence, signifies progress for SEM in integrating industry and education. It also represents strong support for the strategic goal of cultivating outstanding innovative talents. This partnership will provide students with richer practical opportunities and help them better integrate theoretical knowledge with practical work, thus enhancing their professional competence and practical skills.

Director AN Jiayuan also expressed great anticipation for this collaboration. She stated that East Money has been committed to innovation and development in financial technology. The collaboration with Tongji University will inject new vitality into the company and promote continuous innovation in the field of fintech. Through deep cooperation with Tongji University, both parties will explore new trends and opportunities in fintech and jointly cultivate more talents with innovative spirit and practical skills.

In recent years, Tongji SEM has closely followed the new trends of technology and industry transformation, and actively promoted the deep integration of various disciplines such as artificial intelligence, digital technology, economics and management. SEM has made significant achievements in building a high-quality talent training system in economics and finance. In particular, two courses, “Monetary Economics” and “Deciphering the Code of China’s Economic Development”, have been selected as first-class courses at the national level, and the school has won two second prizes for National Higher Education Teaching Achievements. In addition, SEM has jointly established a full-time master’s programme in Intelligent Finance with Tongji’s School of Electronics and Information Engineering, and collaborated with Tongji’s School of Mathematics to launch a dual degree programme in Finance and Applied Mathematics at the undergraduate level. These efforts aim to fully cultivate high-level composite talents, which are urgently needed for national strategies and social development. The collaboration with East Money will undoubtedly inject new momentum into the school’s talent training system and provide students with broader practical and development opportunities.

Founded in 2005, East Money has become a leader in China’s professional internet wealth management business. The Company provides comprehensive internet financial services to a large number of users and has earned a good reputation in the industry with its outstanding service and innovation capabilities. Its market influence and position have been growing steadily, becoming the first GEM-listed company with a market value of over RMB100 billion in 2015 and exceeding RMB400 billion by 2021. By the end of 2023, its total assets and net assets will reach RMB239.6 billion and RMB72 billion respectively.


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