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Tongji SEM Students Participate in the 12th World University Scholars Leadership Symposium

Mon, Aug 19, 2024

From August 5th to August 9th, 2024, a delegation from School of Economics and Management at Tongji University was invited to attend the 12th World University Scholars Leadership Symposium held at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference was attended by 488 representatives from 47 countries and regions around the world.

The symposium covered various topics including sustainable development, social equity innovation, humanitarian aid, animal protection, women’s rights, and the digital divide. It was conducted through keynote speeches, volunteer services, and group discussions. Ten United Nations officials, renowned scholars, and social welfare activists from the UK, Hong Kong, Australia, Thailand, Somalia, and other countries and regions delivered keynote speeches on leadership development, personal inspiration stories, ecological animal protection, sustainable development, and humanitarian care, providing young leaders with an extraordinary learning and exchange feast.

Students of Tongji SEM actively participated in the conference, speaking up based on China’s national conditions, telling Chinese stories, and showcasing the youthful demeanor and fulfilling the responsibilities of contemporary youth. During the Q&A session of the keynote speech on animal protection, the speaker Sangduen Lek CHAILERT called on foreign tourists to reduce activities involving riding elephants in Thailand. A student of Tongji SEM named TAO Ran engaged in interactive discussions with the guests on how to balance the contradictions between tourism development, local income, and animal protection.

During the volunteer service project, students immersed themselves in Thai culture and practiced the principles of “Focusing on elementary education” and “Protecting the natural environment.” They visited a refugee school in Kanchanaburi, engaging in art, music, dance, and sports activities with the children and providing food assistance to local refugee families. Students also visited Chiang Mai in northern Thailand to understand the living conditions of abused elephants, cleaned their habitats, and built fences and green plants. They also participated in the beautification of Pathum Thani School in the suburbs of Bangkok, collaborating with students from different countries to paint patterns on the school’s corridor walls.



Through participation in discussions, dialogues with guests, and social services, the students’ sense of social responsibility was strengthened, which played a positive role in shaping them into future leaders with an international perspective. XU Xuanbo, the student representative from Tongji SEM, expressed at the end of the event: ” USUL invited renowned scholars, social activists, and United Nations officials from around the world, bringing many thought-provoking viewpoints and reflections to the participants. On the volunteer activity day, the representatives took buses to different places and participated in various service activities, gaining unique and enlightening firsthand experiences. At the same time, representatives from all over the world got to know each other, established connections, and actively communicated during this symposium. Although we come from different countries and have different cultural backgrounds, we all share a common heart dedicated to serving and building the world together. In the future, we will also maintain contact, encourage each other, pay attention to the development trends of the international community, and commit to upholding world peace and development.”

Tongji SEM has always been at the forefront of the times, actively practicing the concept of sustainable development. It not only continuously explores cutting-edge fields such as green economy and circular economy in academic research but also focuses on cultivating students’ sense of social responsibility and global citizenship in the process of talent training. In teaching, students are guided to deeply understand the connotation and value of sustainable development; in scientific research, students are encouraged to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical social problems and participate in social service projects; in practice, SEM actively organizes international exchange activities, such as participating in the United Nations World University Scholars Leadership Symposium, allowing students to personally experience the international stage, broaden their international perspective, and enhance their cross-cultural communication skills. These measures have not only improved students’ professional literacy but also stimulated their concern and action on social issues. Tongji SEM students have demonstrated solid academic foundations and outstanding leadership abilities in participating in various social practices and international exchange activities, and have interpreted the responsibility and commitment of Tongjier with practical actions.

The symposium was organized by the United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Asia and aims to inspire college student leaders to become change-makers and pioneers, understanding and deeply considering the key challenges of global sustainable development, and enhancing the global youth’s understanding of humanitarian affairs and the harmonious development between humans and nature.Since its inception in 2010, the event has been held annually in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region, with more than 9,000 young leaders from over 100 countries participating in this international event.

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