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IEDP Open-enrollment: Acquiring Competitive Advantages through Effective Innovation

Tue, Aug 20, 2013


Acquiring Competitive Advantages through Effective Innovation 
Powerful tools to pick winning projects and effectively allocate resources
What you can expect
The opportunity to discover a novel managerial tool that will help you boost your career and/or the success of your company.
This interactive and thought-challenging Workshop presents the IpOp Model, a proven managerial tool designed to boost the acquisition of competitive advantages, reduce costs and improve the overall innovation process. This model is already used by several multinational corporations like Nestlé and Oracle as well as government and public agencies.
First and foremost, this must-know model provides a robust framework to decision makers for validating the merits, feasibility and real potential of any project presented to them, regardless of their nature. Because it is more comprehensive than traditional models it helps them better select or reject proposals fornew projects according to their congruence with the firm’s strategic goals, their realistic feasibility and risks while being aware of the unknowns that may undermine the success of any project.
As a faster and more efficient process addressing crucial issues and key success factors in organizations this state-of-the-art pre-project analysis provides a convincing alternative to the traditional “Business Plan”. In addition to improving any approach it:
·        Clarifies which clear universal decision tree should be used to support or eliminate projects or requests for resources;
·        Introduces a simple tool that helps management better evaluate even at a very early stage the actual chances of success of any initiative presented to them;
·        Reduces the cost and probability of failure of any project or initiative;
·        Manages stakeholders (including internal ones);
·        Turns employees into proactive change agents by promoting and stimulating innovation at all levels in the organization;
·        Guides employees to identify and seize opportunities that support the corporate strategy and objectives;
·        Shows how project should be presented for better decisions and for obtaining buy-in
Content of the Workshop
Introducing the IpOp Model in organizations usually brings the following benefits:
·        Giving decision-makers more control (but less work!) and more efficient monitoring
·        Using a structured and transparent process for evaluating the feasibility of innovations and initiatives for the whole organization (from cost or process improvement to new service/product innovation) at the pre-project stage
·        Sharing a common vocabulary and methodology to handle innovation throughout the organization
·        Acquiring new competitive advantages (including non-tech initiatives)
·        Reducing the cost of project failure
·        Saving resources by eliminating weak projects at an earlier stage
·        Promoting a result oriented culture of innovation and agility
·        Increasing customer orientation
·        Breaking silos and encouraging cross division collaboration
·        Stimulating intrapreneurial behavior and emerging innovation (bottom-up initiatives) by enticing employees to become proactive change agents
·        Introducing a step-by-step roadmap that helps employees identify and turn an opportunity into a feasible plan of action, or realize that it is not worth pursuing
·        Boosting employees’ motivation, engagement and retention
·        Decreasing the resistance to change
Who can benefit most
The Workshop is intended for decision makers and executives who want to fruitfully boost innovation or who decide about new projects: from CEOs, COOs, CFOs to general managers, divisional directors, functional VPs, head of government agencies, individual intrapreneurs or entrepreneurs. In other words anyone willing to learn the art of successfully seizing opportunities and acquiring competitive advantages.
Meet the Workshop faculty
COHEN Raphaël H.
Professor at Thunderbird Global School of Management (Phoenix); founder and manager of the University of the Geneva Postgraduate Diploma of Executive Education in Entrepreneurship and Business Development, author, keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur, and trusted advisor to multinational corporations. CEO of Getratex SA, a family owned business.
Author ofWinning Opportunities, a proven toolbox for converting your projects into
success… (without a business plan). Geneva, 2010.
Admissions and logistics
Dates: November 2 and 3, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (including lunch break)
Fees: 9,000 RMB (covers tuition, book, case materials and lunches)
Language: English (with Chinese translation)
Venue: Tongji University EDP Center, 1 ZhangwuLu, Shanghai
Deadline for registration: September 27, 2013. You should register as soon as possible heresince the number of participants is limited and demand is high.
Payment: No payment is due until you have received confirmation of your admission. Payment is due 15 days before the Workshop and refund in case of non-show is limited to 50% of the fees.
X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!