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IEDP Open-enrollment: Hi-Tech Marketing

Tue, Aug 20, 2013


Hi-Tech Marketing
What you can expect
Within Mainland China there are a variety of companies whose managers need to have a better understanding of the marketing of technologically intensive products, systems and solutions. This includes local marketing subsidiaries of foreign multinational companies, Chinese distributors of foreign high-tech products, companies in traditional industries that are developing indigenous technology and young entrepreneurial start-up companies. The above companies may work in a Business-2-Business market or a Business-2-Consumer market, but they all need Marketing to succeed.
If you are a manager, engineer or technical support staff member working in the field of high-tech product development, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, sales or service, this Advanced Seminar will give you ideas and tools for a deeper understanding of your own business and practical recommendations how to succeed.
The objective of this One-day High-Tech Advanced Marketing Seminar is to help participants meet the challenges of working in today’s fast-moving and highly competitive marketplace by giving them a better understanding of marketing orientation, strategies, tactics and techniques for high-tech products, companies, markets and industries.
Content of the Workshop
This Seminar will offer high value to participants through frontal lectures, practical examples from global companies such as Apple, Google and Intel and the lecturer’s own experience. The participants will be encouraged to ask questions and helped to find relevance for their own business challenges
Who can benefit most
Marketing and other managers working in the marketing or sales subsidiaries or product development labs of local and multinational companies based in China. It is also relevant to Chinese distribution companies focusing on the local market plus managers of privately owned or state-owned Chinese enterprises that are developing and marketing innovative products for global markets.
Meet the Workshop faculty
Dr. Jackson is Director of MBA Programs in the Graduate School of Management, University of Haifa. He worked in B2B Marketing in IBM UK and B2C Marketing in Procter & Gamble UK. He is Chairman of the Board of a public Israeli high-Tech Company and has run High-Tech Marketing workshops for IBM, Intel, Singtel in Singapore and leading high-tech companies in Israel. He also teaches in the International MBA program at the University of TongJi in Shanghai and has supervised over 30 MBA projects in China.
Admissions and logistics
Dates: October 19, 2013 from 8;30 to 12;30 and from 2;00 p.m to 5;30 p.m.
Fees: 4,800 RMB (covers tuition, workshop materials and lunch)
Language: English (with Chinese translation)
Venue: Tongji University EDP Center, 1 ZhangwuLu, Shanghai
Registration and Payment: You should register as soon as possible heresince the number of participants is limited and demand is high. Registration is closed on September 23, 2013. No payment is due until you have received confirmation of your acceptance. Payment is due 15 days before the Workshop and refund in case of absence is limited to 50% of the fees.
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