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IEDP Open-enrollment: Social Media: Impact on Business and Management

Tue, Aug 20, 2013


Social Media: Impact on Business and Management
What you can expect
This module is about the perils and promises of social media for business and management.
Social media are already at the centre of the stage for managers, entrepreneurs, marketers, and individuals. They are becoming more central by the minute. Social networks have become the locus of commercial contact, diffusion of innovation, formation of taste, generation of interest, creation of social and cultural capital, recruitment for workers, creation of supplier contact, and much of the entire business and management of operations.
Social media concepts and precepts are redesigning the agenda and schedule for the billions of people already "hooked". They are creating value. They are also causing damage.
1.      Types and taxonomies of social media in business: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and five thousand other platforms.
2.      International perspectives on access to and usage of digital media.
3.      The 4Cs of Content, Collaboration, Community and Cumulative Value.
4.      Searching on social media, the social graph, social media, and filters.
5.      How is social media changing media? Reputation and its measurement.
6.      Information overload, social media literacy, social media, and traditional media
7.      Social media and market research: crowd sourcing, prosumers and ideagoras
8.      Marketing: social media outreach, branded communities and viral marketing
9.      How are social media changing customer support: Brand monitoring and get satisfaction
10. Effects on consumer activism: consumer protests, anti-consumerism, and green activism. (Brendan Sargent)
11. How are social media changing developments?
12. Micro Philanthropy and empowerment: Kiva, Global Giving and Donors Choose
Who can benefit most
All managers in all corporations who need to update their understanding of social media that are continuously changing the way business is done successfully and firms are managed.
Meet the Workshop faculty
Professor Sheizaf RAFAELI (Ph.D., Stanford University) is Director of the Sagy Center for Internet Research He has been involved in building Internet-based activities such as online higher education, journalism, political, governmental, social and economic virtual organizations and efforts. He authored software and books on graphics, electronic spreadsheets and statistical analysis, and a textbook on information systems for the Open University. (InfoSoc, the Center for the Study of the Information Society) and former Head of the Graduate School of Management University of Haifa, Israel.
Admissions and logistics
Dates: December 13 and 14, 2013 from 8;30 a.m to 5;30 p.m.
Fees: 9,500 RMB (covers tuition, case materials and lunches)
Language: English (with Chinese translation)
Venue: Tongji University EDP Center, 1 ZhangwuLu, Shanghai
Deadline for registration: October 23, 2013. You should register as soon as possible heresince the number of participants is limited and demand is high.
Payment: No payment is due until you have received confirmation of your admission. Payment is due 15 days before the Workshop and refund in case of non-show is limited to 50% of the fees.
X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!