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Lecture: Managing Legal Risks in the Global Market Place

Mon, Oct 13, 2014


Theme: Managing Legal Risks in the Global Market Place
Lecturer: Dr. Philip S. Griffin
Juris Doctor – University of Oregon, School of Law
Attorney at Law- Clarke Griffin Law Group, LLC.
Time: 2014. Oct. 17 (Friday evening)
6:30-7:00pm    Registration
7:00-7:30pm    SIMBA Introduction
7:30-9:00pm    Lecture
Venue: Sino-French Center Building, 1239 Siping Road, Tongji University, Shanghai
Lecture Description: 
Dr. Philip S. Griffinwill provide a quick, well-illustrated and entertaining overview of the common legal risks that confront businesses which are operating in the global market place. These risks included products liability, loss of intellectual property and the resolution of international business disputes.  Mr. Griffin will cover each of these legal risks and share tips on how a business can avoid legal dangers in all of these areas.
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