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SEM Reaping National Natural Science Foundation Programmes in 2008

Mon, Oct 20, 2008

Recently, the National Natural Science Foundation announced the Program Name-list supported by the Foundation in 2008, among which SEM obtains one Key Program (Jiazhen HUO), two General Programs (Chuanfeng HAN and Hao REN), and two Projects for Young Scientists Fund (Yunfeng WANG and Guofeng MA). Together with the Special Fund (Xiaoli WANG) approved in the beginning of this year, SEM has been granted with 6 programs of National Natural Science Foundation, the best results it has ever achieved in its application for the programs of the Foundation. In particular, the program of “Research on the Theory, Methodology and Key Technique of Service Operation Management” is the first Key Program SEM has obtained since 1984, filling the gap in the school’s history.

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