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Progress Project Team from Department of

Wed, Apr 08, 2009

Recently, the Progress Project Team from Department of Construction Management and Real Estate was awarded for its outstanding performance in Shanghai Hongqiao Integrated Transport Hub Project at Shanghai Key Projects Meritorious Recognition 2008.

Shanghai Hongqiao Integrated Transport Hub is a key project of urban infrastructure covering various transport modes as aviation, high-speed rail, maglev, urban rail, bus, and taxi, etc. As an immense world-class transport hub of rails, roads and aviation with a designed daily passenger throughput of 1.1 million, it is significant to the comprehensive transport system of the Yangtze Delta Region, regional integration development, Shanghai’s economic and social development and Shanghai World Expo.
Hongqiao Hub is a macro system whose planned investment is over RMB 1 trillion. The Progress Project Team is entrusted with the project research and consultation for the overall planning management. Its work is to ensure that the construction projects are in proper progress in the hub area and has won high appraisal.


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