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Tongji Held 2009 Graduation Commencement

Fri, Jul 03, 2009

The song of Graduate was ringing again on Tongji Campus. 9079 Tongji graduates with all kinds of degrees set sail from here. On the morning of June 22nd, the University held 2009 graduation commencement in Assembly Hall on Siping Campus, sending them off all over the motherland. Up to now, 90 percent of the graduates have been offered employments.
Among the graduates this year, 242 were awarded Outstanding Graduates of Shanghai and 261 were awarded Outstanding Graduates of Tongji University. Representatives of doctors, masters and bachelors in academic costumes received their graduation certificates and degree certificates from the university leaders on the platform.
During the commencement, the 11th postgraduates volunteering teaching group made up of 10 members and 13 volunteers to the western part of China would go to Sichuan, Tibet, Chongqing, Yunnan and other places for voluntary services. Meanwhile, the 2009 graduates online class was opened.
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