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Welcome Ceremony Held for International Students of SEM, Tongji University

Mon, Sep 21, 2009


At 13:30, Sep 15th 2009, the welcome ceremony for new international students is held in the School of Economics and Management (hereinafter referred to as SEM), Tongji University at the Lecturing Hall of the 4th floor, YuntongBuilding. Prof. Sizong WU, Director of SEM and Prof. Jianwei WU, Vice Dean for International Relations and Collaboration of SEM deliver speeches and pose for group picture with over 160 international students from around the world.
Director Wu extends, on behalf of SEM, its warm welcome to the international students and introduces the history and state quo of Tongji University. Vice Dean Wu briefs on the international collaboration of SEM and introduces the Learning Regulations stipulated by SEM for international students.
X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!