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International Students of SEM-Tongji University attend COP 15

Fri, Dec 11, 2009

The well-known United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held on 7th December, 2009, in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. Tongji University would send two delegations with 14 students to attend the convention, of which four French international-students and two students from College of Environmental Science and Engineering would present in the convention as the observers. They would exchange a series of research achievements from the carbon emission reduction to the issue of carbon emission reduction, and present young students’ understanding and reflection on such global issue as climate change.

The female-observers group compose of six girl students, four students of whom are from Euromed Marseille School of Management, France, studying in SEM-Tongji University as the double-degree undergraduate students. The other two students from College of Environmental Science and Engineeringare Huang Jingshui, junior student, and Li Minxia, a second year of postgraduate student. The four French students have long been focusing on the sustainable development and they mainly research the compensation for carbon emission reduction.
The observer group is to leave for Copenhagen on 8 Dec, and return to Shanghai on 21 Dec. “It is a great honor for me to witness the globally-focused event as a Chinese young student” Li Minxia said to the news center reporter. On hearing they are selected to be the observers one month ago, they set about preparing: having a weekly meeting to exchange opinions, collecting and arranging the materials, conducting the theme research inside and outside the university.
The other representative team composing of 8 students is from College of Environmental Science and Engineering, College of Mechanical Engineering, School of Economy and Management, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences. There are one undergraduate student, four postgraduate students and three doctoral students. Cao Xiaojing, the postgraduate students from HUANJING as the coordinator, told the reporter, Tongji delegation is invited by both Yale University and Copenhagen University to attend the “sustainable development campus”forum on 13th and 14th Dec. to display the achievement and latest development of conservation-minded university in the form of poster publicity and scene exchange and absorb other universities’ successful experiences in building a campus of sustainable development.
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