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Delegation of Burgundy School of Business, France Visits SEM

Fri, Jan 29, 2010

 On Jan. 21, 2010, Dr. Gregory Wegmann, Education Consul, Ms. Chen Youyao, Assistant of Education Consul, Mr. Siegfried Fau, Coordinator for University Cooperation, from General Consulate of France in Shanghai, Ms. Berengere Moindrot from Burgundy School of Business, France, visited SEM, Tongji University. Associate Professor Dr. Wang Haiyan, Director of International Office of SEM, and Ms Cheng Ting, Vice Director of International Office of SEM met with the guests. Dr Wang and Ms. Cheng reviewed the history and status quo of the collaboration between SEM, Tongji University and French partners. Dr Wang also discussed with Ms. Moindrot concerning the possibility of students exchange, faculty exchange and research cooperation.

Burgundy School of Business was founded in 1899 and is a member of French “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles” (CGE). It has master programs in the fields of Health food Industry Management, Pharmaceutical Industry Management and Wine Management, etc. The well-known enterprises which have cooperative relationship with Burgundy School of Business include Unilever and Nestle, etc.

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