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DBA Program Director of Grenoble Ecole De Management, France Visits SEM

Mon, Feb 08, 2010

On Feb. 3, 2010, Dr. Jie YAN, China DBA Program Director of Grenoble Ecole De Management in France paid a visit to SEM. Prof. Dr. Jiazhen HUO, Dean of SEM, Associate Prof. Dr. Haiyan WANG, Director of International Office of SEM, and Prof. Dr. Xiubao YU, Director of DBA Program met with the guest. The two parties reviewed the historic and fruitful cooperation in joint DBA Program, and reached an agreement on students exchange and dual degree program in undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA level.

Grenoble Ecole De Management, founded in 1984, is on the list of Top 500 universities published by Ministry of Education of P.R. China. The school holds the triple crowns of accreditation, EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA, that distinguish the world’s leading business schools. Its Master of International Business is ranked 7th in the Financial Times Global Masters ranking.  

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