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Agreement of Double Degree Program Signed between Grenoble Ecole De Management, France and SEM, Tongji

Wed, Apr 07, 2010

On Mar 29, 2010, Mr. Mark Thomas, Director of International Affairs, Prof. Jie Yan, China DBA Program Director of Grenoble Ecole De Management, France visited our school. Prof. Jiazhen Huo, Dean of SEM, Prof. Song Chen, Vice Director of SEM, Prof. Dr. Haiyan Wang, Director of International Office of SEM, Tongji University met with the guests.

The two parties signed an agreement concerning 3+2 double degree exchange program towards undergraduates from Sino-French class, postgraduate and MBA dual degree program. According to the agreement, each academic year our school will send 4 students who attend 3+2 exchange program in Sino-French class to attend the French Grande Ecole Program of Grenoble’s side. The qualified students shall be awarded the DESMA (Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures en Management) master diploma. In addition, in each academic year, our college shall send two registered master students and 2 registered MBA students to attend English track master program of Grenoble’s side. After one-year study, the qualified students shall be awarded the "Master in Management" Diploma. The non-degree exchange students from our SEM are also received by Grenoble’s side.
The collaboration between Grenoble Ecole De management, France and SEM, Tongji University in the field of DBA program has lasted for several years. The joint DBA program,  which was awarded the AMBA accreditation in December, 2007, was the first DBA program in China to be awarded the international accreditation. During this visit, the two parties made an agreement on building cooperation in more intensive fields and were scheduled to deepen the cooperation in the fields of faculty exchange, study trip and executive training, etc.
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