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Second Seminar of GARP Tongji Chapter Held in SEM

Tue, Dec 14, 2010

On the afternoon of Dec 11th, 2010 the 2nd seminar by GARP Tongji Chapter was successfully held in Yuntong Building, SEM, Tongji University. Around 20 people from the academia and risk management practice took part in this meeting. The theme of the seminar is An Overview of GARP: How Can Your Career Benefit?

Dr. Haiyan Wang, Director of GARP Tongji Chapter and Associate Professor from the Department of Economics and Finance, and Dr. Liangji Ge, an expert of financial risk management from China UnionPay, delivered two keynote speeches on the GARP programs and on how FRM can benefit career prospects respectively. An heated discussion was also carried out where topics ranging from the compliance management, risk control practice, to routine businesses of the risk control sectors were warmly discussed among participants and the two speakers. By bridging the academia and the practice with the platform of GARP Tongji Chapter, Dr. Wang concluded with the hope that more people would come to know and participate in risk management practice in the future.   
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