Home > School News > Dean of College of Management, UMass, Lowell visits SEM-TONGJI

Dean of College of Management, UMass, Lowell visits SEM-TONGJI

Mon, Jan 10, 2011


On Jan. 10, 2011, the delegation of University of Massachusetts, Lowell visited Tongji University. The delegation includes 4 Deans respectively from Lowell’s College of Sciences, College of Management, College of Engineering, and College of Health & Environment. In the afternoon, Dr. Kathryn Carter, Dean of College of Management visited School of Economics and Management. Prof. Jianwei WU, Deputy Dean for International Relations and Collaboration of SEM, on behalf of SEM, warmly welcomed the guest. The two parties briefly introduced each others’ business schools and explored collaborative possibilities in mutual faculty exchange and MBA summer study tour.
College of Management, UMASS, Lowell has traditional strength in Technology Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Management. The college is accredited by the authoritative AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).

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