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CPA Australia registers Tongji University as its first CPA Program Tuition Provider in China

Sat, Apr 09, 2011


CPA Australia, one of the largest accounting bodies in the world, today announced the registration of Tongji University as its first CPA Program Tuition Provider in China.
Tongji University will provide tuition for candidates who are undertaking the CPA Program. It is a joint effort of the two parties to nurture international accounting professionals with a global perspective.
Mr Low Weng Keong, President of CPA Australia joined Mr Huo Jia Zhen, Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University in officiating the launch ceremony. Mr Low also presented a certificate to Tongji University to symbolise the inauguration of the partnership.
Mr Alex Malley, Chief Executive Officer of CPA Australia said the collaboration with Tongji University marked an important organisational milestone.
“CPA Australia is committed to partnering with tertiary institutes and professional accounting bodies in China to promote the development of the accounting profession,” he said.
 “CPA Australia understands the needs of candidates that are undertaking the CPA Program and we are currently expanding their learning options. With this new partnership, candidates can now choose to attend tutorials on the CPA Program provided by Tongji University and thus benefit from the interactive discussions with tutors which will aid preparation for the CPA Program examinations.”
“The School of Economics and Management of Tongji University will work closely with CPA Australia. We will continue to develop more accounting talent in China to prepare the profession for its key role in driving the sustainable development of the global economy,” Mr Huo Jia Zhen, Dean, School of Economics and Management said.
The CPA Program is the professional training program offered by CPA Australia through distance learning. It comprises 14 exams in the foundation and professional levels, incorporating the practical experience requirement. The CPA Program provides professionals with expertise in strategy, leadership and international business that makes them more valued and sought after by employers. 
“As Shanghai is fast becoming an international financial centre, and trade relations between China and Australia continue to grow, so does the demand for the best accounting talent,”  Mr Malley said.
The CPA Australia program and designation with its focus on both technical rigour and broader business strategy is designed to fully prepare talented accountants to meet global business demands.
“CPA Australia will continue to collaborate with renowned higher education institutions to provide its members with top-tier education to support the growing demand for accountants in China.”
CPA Australia has accredited accounting degree programs offered by many reputable universities in China, such as Tongji University, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of International Business and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Tsinghua University, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics.
About CPA Australia
CPA Australia unites a global network of leading accounting and finance professionals to drive business success around the world. With more than 132,000 members in over 111 countries, CPA Australia is one of the world’s leading professional accountancy organisations. Established in 1886, CPA Australia has grown into a respected international organisation with offices and representation in 14 countries across three continents. Building on its strong Australian heritage, the CPA Australia membership network is increasingly international with a third of members based outside Australia. This global brand presence provides businesses and governments with the confidence that those who carry the CPA designation are diligent, progressive and ethical.
The Hong Kong office was formally established in 1985. Offices in Beijing and Shanghai were established in 2002 and 2006 respectively, to further our commitment in enhancing the exchange and cooperation with the accountancy profession in China. Liaison offices have also been set-up in Guangzhou and Macau. Currently, over 13,000 members are based in the Greater China region.

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