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Welcome Ceremony held for 2011 SEM Undergraduates

Fri, Sep 02, 2011


On the 29th of September, a welcome ceremony for 2011 undergraduate students is held in Lecture Hall of Yifu Building. Prof. Jiazhen HUO, Dean of SEM, Prof. Fu-an JIN, Senior Deputy Dean of SEM, directors of departments of SEM and faculty attend the ceremony hosted by Prof. Ruijie WANG, Deputy Dean of SEM. There are totally 297 new undergraduates enrolled this year. Dean HUO, on behalf of SEM, first warmly welcomed the students and introduced the development and features of SEM. He also gave a further introduction on student affairs as studying aboard, program characteristics, psychological health and future career. He also proposed many valuable suggestions and expectations on students’ university life, future study, and personal life development. After the ceremony, every department respectively continued its programs introduction to students.


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