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Redefining Excellence in the Business Education of the Future

Wed, Oct 01, 2008

On the 14th of Oct., the 4th Eduniversal World Convention took place at the School of Economics and Management, Tongji University (hereinafter referred to as SEM) in Shanghai, China. This year’s convention brought together more than 160 deans and deputy deans from 93 business schools from China, USA, UK, Japan, Germany, Spain, Canada, India, Belgium and other 51 countries and districts.
During the 3-day convention, deans were dedicated to the topic of “Educating the World-Redefining excellence in the Business Education of the Future” which aimed to strengthen their network and to establish new partnerships. Besides, annual results of EDUNIVERSAL rankings and EDUNIVERSAL 1000 Deans’ votes and ratings of the Best Business Schools were announced. In the past three years, SEM, Tongji University is ranked as one of the best ten business schools in mainland of China.
Nowadays, many business schools in China highlight the importance of international accreditations, rankings, joint degree programs and academic cooperation to strengthen their network with oversea business schools. Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Tongji University, introduced that business education of some China business schools has been tremendously improved by recruitment of well-known oversea professors and internationalization of students’ study. Take SEM for example; 30-40% of Chinese students go abroad for oversea study annually, while about 400 international students come to SEM, Tongji University.

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