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China Association for Information Systems 2011 Held in Tongji University

Thu, Dec 08, 2011


From the 2nd to 4th of December, 2011, China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS 2011) was held in Tongji University. CNAIS 2011 is organized by China Association for Information Systems, co-organized by Tongji University. The opening ceremony was hosted by the Chairman of CNAIS 2011, Dr. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of School of Economics and Management, Tongji University. Mr. CHEN Guoqing, Chairman of CNAIS, and Dr. CHEN Yiyi, Vice President of Tongji University, made welcome speeches. Participants include more than 230 scholars and experts from scientific institutes, universities and enterprises from various countries and districts, namely mainland China, USA, Hong Kong, etc. The subject of CNAIS 2011 is “China Information System: Opportunities and challenges under the background of emerging technology”.

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