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Conference of 2012 International Academic Affairs Held in SEM

Wed, Mar 28, 2012


On the 25th to 26th of March, Conference of 2012 International Academic Affairs was held in SEM. Participants included deputy deans and staff from International Cooperation Office, Department of Business Administration, Undergraduates Administration Office and Postgraduates Administration Office.
The meeting on the afternoon of March 25, hosted by Deputy Dean, HAN Chuanfeng, focused on the curriculum development of postgraduate international class. The meeting on March 26, hosted by Deputy Dean, WU Jianwei, further discussed on academic reform of Sino-French class and feasibility of Excellent Engineer Plan. Deputy Dean, TAO Xiaoma, introduced Tongji policies of developing International programs. The two-day conference strengthened the communication and cooperation among related departments, which laid a foundation for SEM future internationalization.
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