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SEM Hold Executive Management Meeting

Fri, May 11, 2012


On the afternoon of April 27, after SEM-Tongji changes its management team, an executive management meeting was held to discuss administrative responsibilities of the new team members. Dr. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, will continue his position of whole management of the school and will in charge of international relations and cooperation. He also works with one deputy dean on alumni management. Dr. HAN Chuanfeng, Deputy Dean of SEM, is mainly responsible for academic development and researches. Dr. WANG Guangbin, Deputy Dean of SEM, will continue his position of professional degree programmes management. Dr. RUAN Qingsong, Deputy Dean of SEM, takes his responsibility for undergraduate and postgraduate academic affairs. Dr. CHEN Shouming, Deputy Dean of SEM, is mainly in change of administration, finance and alumni management. Dr. ZHU Yanmei, Deputy Dean of SEM, will continue her position in China Science and Management Research Institution.
The meeting has determined to hold executive management meeting every two weeks, instead of once a month. The new executive management team will further improve the management system, promote democracy of management and scientific decision making. Together with SEM faculty and students, the new team will contribute to develop School of Economics and Management to a first-ranked renowned school in China and the world, just like its name, Tongji, cooperating by riding the same boat.
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