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Vice President CHEN Yiyi Meet with SEM New Executive Management Team

Mon, May 14, 2012


On the morning of May 9, Dr. CHEN Yiyi, Vice President of Tongji University, together with Dr. LEI Xinghui, Deputy Dean of Graduates School, Dr. HE Minjuan, Director of Academic Affairs Office and staff from Graduates School, visited SEM and met with SEM new executive management team, led by Dr. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM and Dr. JIN Fu-an, Senior Deputy Dean of SEM.
Dr. CHEN congratulated SEM on its new executive management team and made compliments on the internationalization of SEM faculty and students, its contribution on Doctor Candidates Thesis and general courses of the whole university. He hoped SEM could focus on students’ development as its fundamental task, and talent improvement as its core task.
Upon Dr. CHEN’s proposal, Dr. HUO presented his own ideas on SEM further target, strategy and its internationalization. He discussed with the university management team about the responsibilities of the new team. Afterwards, Dr. WANG Guangbin, and Dr. RUAN Qingsong, Deputy Deans of SEM, made reports respectively on the development of professional degree programs and undergraduates and postgraduates academic affairs.
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