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2012 Shanghai University MBA Education Seminar Held Successfully in Tongji

Fri, Jun 08, 2012


On the 31st of May, 2012 Shanghai MBA Education Seminar was held in Tongji University, with the subject of “Improve communication and seek common development”. More than 40 distinguished guests participated in the event, including leaders from Shanghai Management Science Association, business school deans and MBA program directors from13 Shanghai MBA Training institutions. The participants carried out extensive and in-depth discussions on the two subjects of MBA Brand Building and MBA Internationalization Strategies.
The seminar was co-organized by SEM, Tongji and Shanghai Management Science Association. It was hosted by Mr. WANG Fanghua, Chairman of Shanghai Management Science Association. Dr. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, was invited to give a speech. “In the international metropolis like Shanghai, MBA branding and its int’l strategies are necessary to influence international MBA education market. To share experience and fruits among MBA institutions and to explore Shanghai MBA Int’l branding road, are important to promote mutual development of Shanghai MBA institutions,” said by Dean HUO.
Shanghai MBA Education Seminar will be held once every year to provide a platform for business school deans and MBA program directors to communicate and to share with each other. It aims to improve MBA academic and managerial level and to develop in a speedy and healthy way.
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