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Opening Ceremony of 2012 Executive Development Program Held in SEM

Thu, Jun 21, 2012


On the 16th of June, 2012, Opening Ceremony of 2012 Executive Development Program (EDP) was held in Rm 301, Tongji Building Block A. Mr. WANG Guangbin, Deputy Dean of SEM, Mr. SHI Qian, Director of Management Engineer Center, Mr. YANG Zhiyong, General Manager of Shanghai Harbor Engineering Corporation, and hundreds of freshmen participated in the ceremony.
The ceremony was hosted by Ms. SUN Xiaolin, Director of EDP center. Deputy Dean WANG made a welcome speech to share Tongji motto with the new students, which is Discipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity. As a Tongjier, the students learn not only academic knowledge, but also Tongji sprits.
Mr. SHI introduced the development of EDP center. He expressed his wish that students can communicate with each other in different fields. ?Take the human long to make up already short. As Tongji’s partner, Mr. YANG from General Manager of Shanghai Harbor Engineering Corporation shared his own working and life experience with the students.
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