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Tongji University EMBA Program Celebrates Its Ten-year Anniversary and Opening Ceremony of 20th EMBA Cohorts

Thu, Jun 21, 2012


2012 is the year when Tongji University has started its EMBA program for 10 years. On Jun 16th, SEM held the Ten-year Anniversary of Tongji EMBA Program and the Opening Ceremony of 20th EMBA Cohorts in Sino-French Center. Prof. PEI Gang, President of Tongji University, Prof. JIANG Fuming, Vice President of Tongji University, Mr. SUN Rongqian, Director of Putuo District Government and Director of Tongji EMBA Alumni Association, Prof. KANG Jiuhong, Vice Dean of Graduate School of Tongji University, Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Prof. WANG Guangbin, Deputy Dean of SEM, witnessed and celebrated the glorious moment together with the EMBA alumni and the new EMBA students of 20th Cohort.
Prof. PEI and Prof. KANG extended their congratulations and expectations to the 10th anniversary of our EMBA program. Mr. SUN delivered appreciation remarks on behalf of all the EMBA alumni. The 10-year anniversary celebration was formally launched by the participating guests. The celebration was brought to full swing when all the participants singing the song “Love Each Other, Tongji People” in uniform chorus.
Since 2002, Tongji EMBA Program has started from scratch, grown from small to big. Its students expanded from Shanghai, to Yangtze River Delta Region, to Pearl River Delta Region, and to Beijing, Tianjin, Chongqing, and to Provinces like Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Gansu, and even to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Students backgrounds cover real estate, manufacture, banks and securities, commercial trade, logistics and transportation, information technology, media and advertising, and government administration, etc. For ten years, Tongji EMBA program insists on the internationalization by collaborating with partners in US, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, and East and North Europe to do the international study tour semesters.
After a decade, Tongji EMBA program has not only been recognized by the society but also globally. In the “Top EMBA Program with Leadership Ability in China”, Tongji EMBA Program is ranked top 3, and regarded as “China’s Top EMBA Program with Most Distinctive Characteristics and Development Potential” several years in succession. In 2011, Tongji EMBA Program has been accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA). Accreditation has been awarded for the maximum period of 5 years as allowed under the current review cycle. In the same year, Tongji EMBA program has been ranked as the top 3 by the Eduniversal together with CEIBS and Fudan university’s EMBA programs
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