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Opening Ceremony of 2012 Tongji-CWRU MBA/MSM-Finance Double Degree Program and Finance Forum Ends Successfully in SEM

Thu, Sep 27, 2012


On the 22nd of September, 2012, Opening Ceremony of Tongji-Case MBA / MSM Finance Double Degree Program ends successfully in SEM, Tongji.

The ceremony was hosted by Ms. WU Boning, Director of Professional Degree Office. Dr. WANG Guangbin, Deputy Dean of SEM, made a welcome speech. Mr. HU Xiaorong, Risk Manager of Morgan Stanley, China, Fortune Securities, and Mr. LIANG Qinghua, Director of Shanghai Huaihai Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd, made remarks respectively on behalf of CWRU and Tongji alumni. Ms. ZHAO Ying, Chief Editor of Whichmba.net, introduced future development of MBA career market. Students from No. 2nd Cohort and No. 3rd Cohort gave speeches concerning their experience and study plan. Dr. Anurag Gupta and Dr. LI Yibin, Directors of Tongji-Case MBA / MSM Finance Double Degree Program, extended their gratitude to the participants and best wishes to the students.

The Third Tongji-CWRU Finance Forum was held in the afternoon, hosted by Prof. Dr. Chen Weizhong, Head of Finance Department, SEM, Tongji University. Tongji-CWRU Finance Forum is jointly launched by SEM, Tongji University and Weatherhesd School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, with the motivation of creating a platform for the students of double degree program to communicate and interact with executives of finance industry. In the forum, Mr. Zhangguangping, Deputy Director of Banking Regulatory Commission of Shanghai Municipal Government, was awarded as Adjunct Professor of Tongji University by Deputy Secretary of Tongji, Mr. Jiang Fuming. Mr. Zhang delivered a speech on achievements and trends of the internationalization of RMB. Mr. Jin Wu, Managing Director of Chartered Standard Band of China, and Dr. Hu Bin, CEO of BNY Mellon Western Fund, made keynote speeches of “Financial strategy and the value of the company” and “China’s stock market investment philosophy” respectively.

Tongji-CWRU MBA/MSM-Finance Double Degree Program was initiated in 2010. The first batch of students was recruited in 2011. All the courses and lectures in the program will be delivered in English. The duration of this is 2.5 years. The students will spend one month in Cleveland for the residence study during the summer of 2013.
This program is the first master’s degree in finance from a top US university offered in mainland China, and the first MBA/MSM-Finance double program in China. This establishes a successful international education cooperation mode. The application for 2013 admission now is under way.

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