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Dean of School of Management, University of Bath, Visits School of Economics and Management, Tongji University

Wed, Oct 17, 2012


On October 17, 2012, Prof. Dr. Richard Elliott, Dean of School of Management, University of Bath, visits SEM, Tongji. Prof. Dr. Jiazhen HUO, Dean of SEM, together with staff from International Cooperation Office of SEM, met with the guest. The two parties introduced their history, development, and shared with each other the latest international programs and development of the two business schools. Potential opportunities on faculty exchange, joint MBA module exchange, Executive Training Program, and summer school program were explored during the meeting.

The School of Management, University of Bath is one of the leading business schools in UK. It is currently ranked 1st for Business by Sunday Times University Guide and 1st for Accounting and Finance by Times Good University Guide. Its MBA program was ranked the 1st in UK and the 24th in the world according to Financial Time. The School is also a leading centre for management research – placed 5th in the UK in the latest RAE. The school is highly internationalized in terms of its faculty and student profiles and has acquired AMBA and EQUIS accreditation.

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