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Delegation of Tamkang University Visit SEM

Fri, Oct 26, 2012

On October 22nd, a delegation from Tamkang University of Taiwan visited our school, and the delegation included: Prof. ZHANG Jiayi, President of Tamkang University, Prof. DAI Wanqin Vice President for International Affairs, and Prof. FENG Zhaogang, Former Vice President for Academic Affairs. Vice Dean of SEM, Dr. RUAN Qingsong summoned a meeting to greet them and other teachers were also present at the meeting.

On the basis of the agreements the two sides have already signed, they focused on building up cooperation between our school and the School of Management and the School of Business of Tamkang University concerning faculty exchange, cooperation in scientific research, and summer training programs. In addition, the two parties also discussed developing courses about international perspectives and the future development. They further expressed their wish to develop students exchange and double-degree programs on the level of school.
Tamkang University is a private institution of higher education, and it has been regarded for fourteen years as the most popular private university among enterprises.

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